Camera : Pro Camera Editor
Camera : Pro Camera Editor >>>
Camera+ helps you use your iPhone to shoot the best photos you possibly can. Whether you're a seasoned photographer or someone who's barely touched a camera, Camera+ provides you with all the tools you need. See your photos improve the instant you start using Camera+.
In Portrait mode the depth information is saved alongside the image, so the adjustments in The Lab can be selectively applied to distant or close subjects. Available in compatible devices: those with two back cameras.
Use the dedicated slow shutter mode for exposures of up to 30 seconds. Camera+ will automatically adjust the sensitivity of the camera for long durations, and will show you an accurate preview while the capture is taking place.
UltraRes allows you to upscale your photos up to 48 Megapixels, which is 4 times what the native camera sensor can achieve. How does it work It uses a lightning fast machine-learning model that we painstakingly trained on millions of photos, to teach it how to upscale images without making them blurry. Keep every detail in your photos, and don't ever be afraid to crop or print them! UltraRes is available both through a camera preset, and also as a new tool in the editor: you can apply it to any photo you've taken, even with the system camera.
Premiere Pro lets you create a multi-camera source sequence using clips from multiple camera sources. You can synchronize clips by manually setting In points, Out points, or clip markers. Or you can use audio-based syncing to accurately align clips in a multi-camera sequence.
To use the Create Multi-camera Source Sequence dialog box, select your clips or bin from the Project panel. Then, right-click (Windows) or Ctrl-click (Mac OS) the selected clips and choose Create Multi-camera Source Sequence from the context menu.
Manually create an editing sequence with the audio mix track appropriate for the intended output format (stereo or multichannel). Ensure to pick the correct Mix Track type in the beginning as you can't alter it later in the Sequence Settings dialog. For timeline audio tracks, use stereo tracks for an all-stereo workflow and mono tracks for a multichannel workflow. Ensure that you consider the audio mixing workflow and then drop the Multi-camera clips onto the existing Timeline.
Tip: If the existing timeline is empty, drop a multi-camera clip onto the timeline to change the sequence settings to match the multi-camera clip settings. This action retains the previously configured Audio Tracks and Mix Track.
It is not recommended to use the Sequence from Clip command or drag a multi-camera clip to the new sequence button in the Project panel. It creates a sequence with adaptive audio tracks which are typically used in advanced audio routing workflows.
To enable the multi-camera target sequence for multi-camera editing, click the icon, and choose Multi-camera from the pop-up menu in the Program Monitor. The Program Monitor is now in Multi-camera mode.
Click the Multi-camera Record toggle button on. If the button is not visible in the button bar, click \"+\" in the lower-right corner of the Program Monitor to open the Button editor. Drag the Multi-camera Record button to the button bar.
In the Program Monitor or Timeline panel, press the spacebar or click the Play-Stop toggle button to begin playback. While the sequence is playing, press the number key on the main keyboard to cut to the camera with that number. For more information about using keyboard shortcuts, see Keyboard shortcuts for multi-camera editing.
You can use keyboard shortcuts for multi-camera editing. You can use the number keys to switch cameras as the multi-camera sequence plays. The keyboard shortcuts can also be used to change angles after completing a multi-camera edit. For more information, see Multi-camera keyboard shortcuts.
Timecode can also be used to synchronize clips, and it does so automatically. However, timecode must be identical on all clips for them to synchronize properly. If the timecode is identical on all the clips you plan to synchronize, you do not need to mark clips for synchronization. If you use the hours value in source timecode as a camera designator, select the Ignore Hours option. Premiere Pro then uses only minutes, seconds, and frames to synchronize clips.
Use the Create Multi-camera Source Sequence dialog box to combine clips that have common In/Out points or overlapping timecode into a multi-camera sequence. You can also combine clips using audio waveforms and markers.
You can name your multi-camera source sequence after your primary video or audio clip in the sequence. From the pop-up menu, select the appropriate option to append \"Multicam\" or a custom name to the primary video or audio name.
Before creating a multi-camera source sequence using In points, Out points, or clip markers as the synchronization point, you mark clips for synchronization. For more information, see Mark clips for synchronization.
Premiere Pro lets you perform quick multi-camera edits based on sync timecode. Press the modifier key Ctrl (Windows) or Cmd (Mac OS) while switching source clips to match frame to the timecode at the current playhead position.
Select the Audio option to synchronize the clips automatically based on the audio waveforms. You can use audio recorded from a second source to automatically sync and create multicamera and merged clips using audio waveforms.
When creating a multi-camera source sequence, you can display the camera names as clip names or track names. These options are available in addition to the default option of enumerated camera names like camera 1, camera 2.
Depending on the Camera Names option that you select, the camera angles are displayed as track names, clip names, or camera numbers in the Source Monitor. To view the multi-camera sequence in the Source monitor, right-click the sequence and select Multi-camera.
You can organize and select cameras in multicam view across multiple pages. You can set the number of camera sources per page and navigate between pages as needed. You cannot drag-and-drop cameras to different pages or within a single page. However, you can use the Edit Cameras dialog box to change the order of cameras in a multicam sequence and the pages reorders accordingly.
You can export a Multiclip project from Final Cut Pro, and import the Final Cut Pro project XML files into Premiere Pro. In Premiere Pro, the Multiclips sequences appear as multi-camera sequences with all the Final Cut Pro project settings intact. For more information about importing from Final Cut Pro, see Importing XML project files from Final Cut Pro 7 and Final Cut Pro X.
Every photo is better with Camera+ the most powerful photo capturing & editing app ever. Impress your friends with better photos & discover your inner artist.Camera+ is designed by photo lovers on a mission to incorporate all the advances in photo technology that are being introduced year after year. POWERFUL PHOTO EDITINGThe Lab contains many photographic tools that allow you to fine-tune the exposure, boost the shadows, sharpen your photo, and adjust curves among many others. Dozens of built-in filters help you get that final look. Our favorites system makes it easy to save, share, and apply your favorite sets of edits to many photos at once. RAW SHOOTING & EDITINGRAW mode provides maximum flexibility for editing, by saving the exact image captured by the sensor at its full precision. The RAW Editor includes tools such as Curves and a White Balance picker. Use the RAW Editor to develop your images, or send them to your computer and use your current workflow. PHOTO LIBRARY INTEGRATIONWe have achieved a fantastic integration with the photos you already have in your library. Instead of clunkily importing a photo you want to edit, doing your thing and saving it back, simply switch tabs and edit it right in place. And you'll love the multitasking support in iPad. The editors can also be used on the photos in your Photo Library. Switch between your library and the Lightbox by simply tapping a button, or use drag and drop gestures in the iPad. Files and iTunes integration are also available to easily transfer pictures to your computer or other apps.CAPTURE PRESETSCamera+ adapts to your style and technical savvy. If you like the system camera, select the Auto preset to use a simple, clear interface that will let you concentrate on your shot. Camera+ provides all the essential framing and exposure tools, and will select the best parameters for you.As your skills progress, or if you are already familiar with DSLRs, you'll feel at home in Manual mode. You'll be able to select the best lens, shutter time, ISO or white balance for your capture.Other presets are available for purpose-specific captures, providing sensible settings for the task at hand. Slow Shutter allows you to take long exposures, even in daylight. Macro is optimized to work on close subjects, and Action tracks the object you select and automatically enables Burst so you don't miss the shot. INTRODUCING MAGIC MLMagic ML is our most advanced capture preset to date. It harnesses the power of machine learning to improve your photos as you shoot! But don't just take our word for it, try out Magic ML and see how much more your photography \"pops\"! And if you've already got photos you'd like to spruce up a bit, we've added a Magic ML adjustment in the Lab so you can add as much (or as little) wizardry as you'd like.TOTAL CONTROLIf your iPhone has multiple lenses, the Auto preset will use the best one(s) for your scene and will produce Deep Fusion pictures if it needs to. In Manual mode you are the boss: Camera+ will always honor all the controls you choose. If you want to use the Tele lens, Camera+ will not engage the digital zoom even if the Wide could gather more light. No more surprises after the fact.SHOOTING ASSIST TOOLSUse Smile mode to shoot when people are smiling, or Stabilizer to ensure your iPhone is steady enough to produce a sharp picture. Burst and Timer can also be enabled any time you need them.Focus Peaking highlights the parts of the image that are in focus, which is invaluable if you are focusing manually. Zebra Stripes detect those parts of your composition that are over- or underexposed.DEPTH CAPTUREDepth Capture, which is optimized for person subjects, is available in iPhones with dual or triple cameras, and in the iPhone XR. Depth information is saved alongside the image, and the adjustments in The Lab can be selectively applied to distant or close subjects.Terms of use: 59ce067264